Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the possible uses for a UPT product?
A: Potentially anything that uses AC electricity would use our power generation product line. Examples could be: contractors, tow vehicles, work trailers, utility companies like power, phone, cable and gas, FEMA, Homeland Security, first responders like fire departments, and police command centers, Military defense and FOB, recreational and personal, water pumps and irrigation, movie and television productions, personal protection systems, auto, boat, and cycle racer trailers, municipalities for emergency, maintenance, parks and other community activities, railroad and transportation maintenance vehicles just to list some of the usages.
Q: What vehicles will accommodate the UPT Mobile Power Generation Systems?
A: UPT’s technology is readily adaptable to most class 2-8 cab and chassis trucks regardless of manufacture. Our mobile generation products offer several various power configurations to fit almost every need.

Q: Can I Use a UPT system on my own truck?
A: Yes if your vehicle is a cab and chassis model in most cases your vehicle will work with the UPT mobile power system. Call our team to verify which system would be the best fit for your vehicle and use requirements. 727.303.3884
Q: How do I install a UPT product on my vehicle?
A: Our stores perform all installations for the UPT mobile generation systems. To schedule an installation appointment call or email our team at 727.303.3884 or
Q: How do I order my new vehicle from UPT?
A: Follow our simple guide using the purchase questionnaire and a consultation call with one of our sales team members at 727.303.3884.
Q: Where can I purchase my mobile power solution?
A: UPT has stores located in the southern United States email or call to find the nearest location to fill your needs at 727.303.3884 or
Q: How much does a mobile power generation system cost?
A: There are several variables that will define the system that you will need and whether you are purchasing a vehicle from UPT or having your vehicle converted. You can use several tools on this site to help you narrow down which product to purchase and one of our sales team will be glad to assist you with this process. Contact us at or 727.303.3884
Q: How long if the UPT mobile power system warranted?
A: UPT provides a limited one-year warranty with unlimited hours of operation on our mobile power products during the warranty period.
Q: Who will provide product support and technical support?
A: UPT and you can contact us at 727.303.3884 or
Q: How does it produce AC power?
A: UPT provides a patented PPIG power transfer unit that utilizes the vehicles engine power to turn our UPT generator which produces constant AC power. UPT integrates into the vehicles computer using the vehicle’s factory installed settings; the engine will run at a constant idle speed that is controlled by the vehicle’s computer. As the demand for electricity increases or decreases, the vehicle’s computer automatically adjusts the fuel supplied to the engine to ensure a constant predetermined engine speed to enable the generator to supply a clean, constant and uninterrupted electrical signal.
Q: How is Real Power different than the other products currently on the market?
- UPT solution offers significantly higher power output than other integrated AC power solutions
- UPT mobile power is not an inverter and is separated from the vehicle’s battery system.
- UPT solution incorporates its patented heat pipe technology for thermal dispersion instead of air cooling or expensive liquid cooling systems
- UPT solution does not require a PTO which dramatically expands the range of modifiable vehicles allowing for 2 and 4 wheel drive applications
- UPT mobile power system is not hydraulically driven.
- UPT solution takes up considerably less space than skid mounted generators with relative power output
- UPT mobile power uses the truck’s engine and fuel system
- UPT solution weighs thousands of pounds less than trailer mounted generators with relative power output
- UPT solution features a control unit capable of monitoring and logging PID’s in real time
- UPT trucks will be remotely connected with telematics.
- UPT solution can export operational data to USB for future review and logging of system performance
Q: Does it hurt my truck to run it for a long time?
A: No, diesels are ideally suited for the task, however trucks in good running condition should be able to operate the UPT mobile power generator for long periods of time.
Q: Is there a maximum number of hours of continuous operation?
A: No.
Q: Will water and moisture affect the generator?
A: If it is immersed in water, it should be allowed to drip dry before engagement. UPT mobile power is not affected by water or moisture.
Q: What kind of circuit/safety protection does the system have?
A: UPT systems are GFI and thermal breaker protected.
Q: Does generator installation lower truck ground clearance?
A: In most cases- No.
Q: Does generator reduce cargo area?
A: No.